Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meetingmax Featured In The Western Hotelier

The Western Hotelier Magazine featured Meetingmax and their release with Tourism Red Deer in their latest issue! Take a look at the article below: 
You can download the issue here.

National Association of Sports Commissions 20th Anniversary

The National Association of Sports Commissions (NASC) is turning 20 this year! David Clark, Director of Business Development at Meetingmax attended the NASC annual Symposium in Hartford, Connecticut to celebrate.

Today is the final day of the symposium which took place from April 16-19th this year, giving guests the opportunity to learn more about bidding and hosting sports events successfully. This occasion also gave everyone a chance to network, make connections and meet the competition!

David found the event both informative and entertaining. One session that stood out was “working with third party housing organizations”; the overall feeling of the conversation was that many destinations are getting away from using 3rd parties and turning their focus on empowering the destination to act as it’s own housing organization. Big thanks to Peter Harvey from Buffalo Sports Commission who discussed in detail why it makes more sense for destinations to become their own housing organization than to utilize a third party.

To kick off the symposium the Welcome Reception was hosted at the newly constructed Connecticut Science Centre. Guests were kept entertained throughout the evening with interesting games and competitions. Congrats to Dave who came out with the highest-flying plane in the Paper Helicopter build, and won a prize at the next day’s luncheon. Meetingmax staff have many hidden talents!

If you get the chance to attend the NASC Annual Symposium in 2013 you don’t want to miss it! Here are some pictures of the Welcome Reception at the Connecticut Science Centre.

If you are interested in more information on the benefits of becoming your own housing organization visit our Meetingmax Facebook Page!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Additions to Meetingmax

The spring of 2012 brings two new exciting additions to the Meetingmax office in Yaletown. Joanna Kovats and Asia Davies are warmly greeted with a welcome package upon arrival, and as they slip on their new Four Seasons slippers they instantly feel like part of the family.

Joanna Kovats is from London, England and was brought on as the new Client Services Coordinator at Meetingmax. Joanna is a trained dancer and singer, working for many years as a musical theatre performer. Along with a fresh outlook and an elegant accent, Joanna brings a fun, positive attitude and passion for event management to the company. Joanna lives by the quote: “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible”. –Dalai Lama

Asia Davies is interning as the new Marketing Communications Coordinator at Meetingmax.  She is current enrolled in the Marketing Communications program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and is only a few months away from graduation. Asia loves to travel, continuously learn and meet new people. She brings positive energy and enthusiasm to every project she takes part in, and has over 6 years of customer service experience. Asia believes that everyone should take the occasional risk and try to step out of their comfort zone at least once a day.

Joanna and Asia are jumping right into the Meetingmax Culture, joining the team in daily huddles, lunch breaks in the lounge and runs around the sea wall. Please join us in welcoming them to the Meetingmax team!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Book Review: How To Win At The Sport Of Business By Mark Cuban

Meetingmax’s March book of the month was How to Win at the Sport of Business by Mark Cuban.

Keeping in line with our core value of Doing More with Less Meetingmax selected this book as Grasshopper was offering a complimentary copy to their best customers.

This book is a collection of blog posts about Cuban’s life, outlining his failures and success in both his personal and business life. As Cuban states “If I can do it, you can do it”; he offers a realistic outlook on how to succeed in the business world through perseverance and dedication.

The following are a few key takeaways the Meetingmax staff got from the book:
  • You only need one win to succeed. It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, it will only bring you closer to your win.
  • Read as much as you can. Cuban reads a minimum of three hours per day. Everything you read can give you ideas for your business so it is worth the time investment.
  • Just because you win the battle doesn’t mean you have won the war, the sport of business is 24/7/365- we are always playing.

Overall Meetingmax gave this book a rating of 8.4/10 on a scale where 1 equals a book with little value one would not wish to read again, and 10 equals a fantastic book with the ability to grow an individual personally, professionally or both.

Although it was a fantastic read, one limitation was that the book was only available through a Kindle or PDF download.

If you are interested in buying this book you can do so here.