Friday, April 19, 2013

Meetingmax is hiring!

Meetingmax is currently hiring for a new member member of our team. See description and details below:

Accommodation Management Rock Star

Our progressive and growing tech company that provides solutions to the world of events is looking for a rock star.

You will fit in with us if:

(1)    You are a Core Values driven individual that seeks out like minded people
(2)    You believe in continual personal growth and development
(3)    You consider yourself full of ingenuity
(4)    You crave accountability and expect performance measurement
(5)    You don’t mind wearing a sombrero from time to time

Some details on the position:

-          Contract negotiation and hotel selection for events throughout North America
-          Room block management
-          Daily functioning in our awesome online housing system
-          Capacity to  provide Ridiculously Remarkable Support
-          Liaising with hotels and guests
-          Not a lot of travel. Mostly in the office

All about us:

We are accomplishing some cool and impactful things in the hospitality industry. We know who we are, why we exist and what we deliver to the world. We are not a major corporation and tend to do things a bit differently. We wear Four Seasons slippers in the office, have a monthly ‘Liquor-Cart Friday’, play everyone’s iPod in rotation & generally enjoy some ‘less than traditional’ traditions.

It’s not all fun and games though; we are serious about holding and keeping people accountable, measuring performance indicators and having monthly goal initiatives. We enjoy our monthly “Growing Minds Program” where everyone reads or listens to the same book and meets at the end of the month to discuss what was learned and how we can change.

We always have clear plans on what our year looks like ahead of time, have a vivid vision of our long term future and certainly don’t know it all but aim to figure it out along the way. Always a work in progress.

Final Thoughts:

We hire for Core Value and culture fit first. Experience with CRM, housing systems, hotel negotiations and hotel contracting are considered to be great assets. Industry experience is of huge benefit but realizing we aren’t in brain surgery, we assume you can pick up the specific skills if you are the right fit. We are interested in long term greatness. Let us know if you think you might fit and why (A CV might help too):

Thursday, April 4, 2013

March Book Review – Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson.

For the month of March, our team decided to choose a book that was a little different from the ones chosen previously. We chose to read Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson.

This book is an autobiography that goes into great detail of all aspects of Richard Branson’s life, showcasing his tremendous struggles in childhood and captivating us with his marvelous adventures.

Overall we really enjoyed this read. It was amazing to see how far someone can come from early childhood being at the bottom of the class in a boarding school, to building a globally recognized foundation. His ability to deal with people and his never ending push to achieve his goals is impressive. We found it noble that he never started a business to make money, he always had a greater goal for helping others achieve something.

We also found that throughout Richard Branson’s life, his actions echoed our 6 core company values. His book inspired us to continuously nurture all relationships, create success, and make it fun!

On a scale of 1-10 where 1 equals a book with little value one would not wish to read again, and 10 equals a fantastic book with the ability to grow an individual personally, professionally or both, we rated this book a 9.1.

Have you read it? Let us know what you thought.