Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meetingmax Launches Referral Program

Many of you have recommended the Meetingmax System to potential clients and we thought we should reward you for your outstanding loyalty to us. Meetingmax has launched its first ever Referral Program which includes many exciting incentives for you! Simply connect us with prospects and you’ll have the opportunity to gain some very unique rewards.

Here is a brief run through on the rules of the contest:

  1. For each referral you provide Meetingmax that results in a Demo being booked you will receive 100 points
  2. For each referral you provide Meetingmax that results in a signed license you will receive an additional 500 points
Points will be accumulated between October 14th, 2010 and April 15th, 2011 (2 weeks before our Annual UNconvention). Points can be redeemed in two ways; if you are attending our UNconvention, they can be redeemed for special “Vancouver Experiences” while you are here in our city. If you are unable to join us in the spring, you can redeem your points for something from our “Bring Vancouver Home” prize sheet.

May the best Meetingmax user win!

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