Monday, June 4, 2012

Book Review: Superfreakonomics by Stephen Dubner & Steven Levitt

Our book of the month for May was SuperFreakonomics by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner. This witty, though-provoking novel applies economic reasoning to a wide range of real-world questions such as:
  • How is a street prostitute like a department store Santa?
  • Why should suicide bombers buy life insurance?
  • What do Al Gore and Mount Pinatubo have in common?

This month our book was selected by Mr. Speros Batistatos, President and CEO of the South Shore CVA. Speros selected this book because he found it intelligent, insightful and thought it tied in well with Meetingmax’s core values

Some key take a ways that Meetingmax staff got out of book are:
  • People are neither inherently good nor bad, they are lead in different directions based on incentive
  • There is opportunity to be found in every situation
  • Timing is key
  • Think outside the box every time
  • When you have a bold idea have the courage to follow it through, ignore criticism

Meetingmax scored this book 8.2/10 on a scale where 1 equals a book with little value one would not wish to read again, and 10 equals a fantastic book with the ability to grow an individual personally, professionally or both.

We highly recommend SuperFreakonomics; it’s an engaging novel which will enable you to open your mind to more critical thinking in everyday life situations. 

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