Monday, July 30, 2012

Book Review: Succeed - How We Can Reach Our Goals by Heidi Halvorson

Meetingmax’s July book of the month was Succeed: How we can reach our goals by psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph. D.

“The book tackles attainment of goals in every area of life from relationships to sports. Extensively reviewing past studies on self-esteem, motivation, and pursuit of goals, Halvorson sidesteps conventional notions about achieving success, particularly the idea that one should imagine oneself achieving goals easily. She cites studies showing that those who think the path is difficult invest more effort and work harder: for instance, people who believed that getting a good job after college would be easy sent out fewer applications. The ideal, Halvorson says, is to think positively about achieving one's goals but to think realistically about the effort that will be required to achieve them. Halvorson then goes on to advise readers on how to set appropriate goals, avoid obstacles, and exercise self-control to stay on track. Don't visualize success, instead visualize the steps you will take in order to succeed."  - Publishers Weekly

Meetingmax staff enjoyed the psychological standpoint of the book and appreciated the facts that supported the reasoning. As blogger, David Seah, states “If you are of an introspective nature and enjoy understanding the differences in mindset that give rise to certain behaviors, you’d find this book fascinating. If you’re looking for a DO THIS THEN THAT book, probably not.” 

All in all Meetingmax rated this book at 8.2/10 where 1 equals a book with little value one would not wish to read again, and 10 equals a fantastic book with the ability to grow an individual personally, professionally or both. We do recommend purchasing a hard copy of this book (versus an audio book) as there are some insightful questionnaires, but they are quite difficult to answer without writing down! 

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