Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2012 Meetingmax Unconvention

The 2012 Meetingmax Unconvention was a great success! It wouldn’t have been possible without all of the wonderful guests that attended this year.  

Guests from across North America attended the annual event which took place from April 25-27 this year, providing our clients with insightful workshops and learning sessions about online housing as well as an unforgettable Vancouver experience.

What made our event so unconventional?

The Unconvention is a 3-day event that consists of hands-on learning, peer to peer networking, original dining and fun entertainment outings that take place in various unconventional locations in Vancouver, BC.

This year’s theme was “The Perfect Blend,” focusing on the art and science of online housing. This theme was consistent throughout every aspect of the Unconvention, which resulted in an unforgettable event for all.

Here are some of our favorite highlights from the Unconvention:

The Welcome Reception at the Meetingmax office included an Absolut Vodka Mixology event. Jacob Sweetapple from Absolut showed us how to mix the perfect martini:
 Everyone was put into teams to compete for the title of the Meetingmax Martini of the Year! Here is the winning recipe:
Dinner at Sanafir, a Morrocan tapas style restaurant where we could lounge in our slippers!

Everyone who attended the Unconvention stayed at the Beautiful Pan Pacific Hotel, where every room has a view of the ocean:

After breakfast meetings at the Fairmont Hotel, lunch meetings at The Terminal City Club and an exceptional Walking tour led by the Vancouver Tour Guys, we went for dinner at C Restaurant- a contemporary fish restaurant on the False Creek Waterfront:

On the last day of the Unconvention, lunch meetings were held at the Lonsdale Quay Hotel in North Vancouver. This gave guests the opportunity to walk around the market and enjoy the views before our bus tour of Stanley Park:
Thank you again to all of our attendees that came to the Meetingmax Unconvention! We had a blast.

Did you attend the Unconvention? If so, what was the highlight of your trip? Let us know by visiting our Facebook Page

If you would like to see more highlights from the 2012 Unconvention you can visit our Pinterest Page.

If you are interesting in attending the 2013 Meetingmax Unconvention to learn more about online housing, keep in touch with us through Facebook or email.
We look forward to seeing you next April!

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